You’re sick of everything about him? You can be allergic to your partner too, but can you get rid of it?

Usually, every long-term relationship goes through some kind of crisis, minor or major. But if you overlook a lot of things, you can even develop allergies.

You\’re sick of everything about him? You can be allergic to your partner too, but can you get rid of it?

Probably every woman feels it from time to time, after some time in a relationship you suddenly start to notice even what you didn\’t see before. At first we have rose-colored glasses, the little things that would normally annoy us we don\’t see or don\’t want to see. After all, nobody\’s perfect. However, after years of being together, such little things come to the forefront and we often get to a point in relationships where we simply resent even the fact that our partner is breathing around us. Are you wondering if you might be allergic to your man? Yes, you most certainly can and it is most certainly a road to hell. Is it possible to get over it?

smutná žena

Has he always done this?

Thrown things on the floor, tissues everywhere but in the trash, snot in the sink, loafing, laziness or total disinterest. The nightly snoring, the inappropriate remarks that only he laughs at, the construction worker\’s expression and the constant need to comment on everything around him. His breathing, which can annoy you as much as anything else he does. It doesn\’t matter what it is, just that he\’s responsible. You wonder to yourself if he\’s always been like this and you just didn\’t see it or didn\’t want to see it or he only got comfortable around you? Do you feel like with every word he says, a knife opens in your pocket and you can\’t even look at him anymore? When he\’s silent, does it annoy you, when he talks, does it annoy you even more? Yes, then you\’re probably allergic to your lover that you married or have children with. It\’s quite easy for a woman to get into this state after years of relationship. It\’s a crisis that\’s been going on for a long time, but maybe you didn\’t see it before. We women quite often make excuses for our partner\’s behaviour when we are in love, we don\’t see it as wrong. And what do we do when we start to see it?

muž s hlavou v dlaních

Is it still salvageable?

You\’re probably asking, what to do about it? Can you still overcome this? Of course you can, but there\’s one big catch. If you get to that point, it is a major crisis that is hard to overcome, because things that no one has dealt with for years suddenly come to the surface and sort of all at once. You can try couples therapy, but both partners have to be willing to get involved and, most importantly, both partners have to be willing to work on fixing it. If you ignore all that, you\’ll never get over it. For some people, even a short separation can help, because if you\’re suddenly apart for a while, you\’ll know if you miss your partner or not. But it doesn\’t help to deal with a crisis like this, for example, by being unfaithful. It\’s better to consider breaking up and giving life a whole new chance.