Appliances needed

I remember when we didn\’t have, say, any electronics in our home. And I have to admit that it was really difficult at home without electricity. And I think especially in the fact that, for example, when we still had a TV that was remote controlled, it was sometimes a horror. And that was mainly because if we lost the remote somewhere, we were completely lost. Because controlling a TV that\’s still outdated and on remote control, unfortunately you can\’t. So many times we spent half an hour a day to find the remote control of our TV. And the worst part was when my father came home and wanted to take a break from work to watch TV.

V kuchyni mám hodně elektra.

He\’d be so cursing that he\’d make me and my siblings cry. I can\’t tell you how sorry we were when my father would chase us into our rooms because we\’d lost the remote somewhere. Then I also missed the kettle or the microwave very much at that time. Of course, at that time I didn\’t even know it existed. But later on, when I discovered the magic of the kettle and the microwave, I thought why couldn\’t some scientists have developed it earlier. After all, it would have made so much work easier in every family, it couldn\’t even be counted. That\’s why I\’m glad that now in such a better time, there really are more electrics and more technology that make people\’s lives easier.

Bez sporáku by to bylo složité.

How about an alarm clock or a washing machine? I\’ll tell you, for example, I couldn\’t do without a washing machine and I personally couldn\’t do without a washing machine because I have four small children, so you can understand that I have to do dirty laundry very often. Do you also have a favourite thing that you can\’t do without? How about a fridge? I\’ve thought about this too, if I couldn\’t have a fridge I don\’t know where I would keep food so it wouldn\’t spoil. What about popsicles or yogurt or meat? I admit, I would certainly be too lost and clueless.